How to make Chilli Bites
If you’ve never tried our chilli bites, what a great opportunity to do so now!
Find the OrderForm link on our latest News Update, and get yourself a packet or two of premixed Chilli Bites.
Pour the content into a mixing bowl with ½ cup (125 ml) water at room temperature for every packet you have (each make about 6 bites) and let stand for ½ hour to rehydrate. Now drop spoonsful of the mixture into hot deep oil and cook until done through.
Be daring and add: chopped roasted peanuts, shredded iceberg lettuce, sweetcorn off the cob, onions, extra chilli, grated sweet potato.
Enjoy with sweet chilli sauce, tartare sauce (B-well mayo with chopped gherkins and capers), some cucumber slices and cherry tomatoes, together with our BEETROOT CHUTNEY (from the same list).