Looking For Umami…
…because once you’ve found it, tasted it, memorised it, it will never let you go!
In every simple meal, grand celebration, restaurant dinner, you’ll be looking for it, expecting the thrill and pure bliss of palette ecstasy.
UMAMI was identified as the fifth taste which is savoury (after sweet, sour, salt and bitter) and generally associated with glutamate and certain amino acids in meat dishes. I believe this often has to do with meat cravings when people change to a vegan diet, so experiment with the list below (partly from rouxbe.com) and start customising it according to your own palette development and preferences.
Plant-Based Sources for Umami
Soy sauce & Braggs Aminos*
Nutritional yeast
Select green leafy vegetables
Tomatoes (fresh and sun-dried)***
Fermented foods, kimchi, sauerkraut
Roasted or grilled vegetables
Umeboshi plums (from Tabu Foods)
*Make this simple SOY SAUCE DRESSING by mixing equal parts olive oil and soy sauce, adding some juice of finely grated fresh ginger, squeezed minced garlic and onions. Whisk together and sprinkle over salads, stir-fries and lavishly dip fresh ciabatta.
**BEETROOT TAPENADE is such an Umami standby – blend equal amounts of pitted black olives and very soft cooked beetroot until silky smooth, add some lemon juice, olive oil, salt & pepper to taste. Serve on bread as a spread or as a condiment to any meal.
***WALNUT & SUN-DRIED TOMATO PATÉ is a great Umami teaser – use tomatoes in oil, then process with the walnuts, a clove of garlic, some spring onions, lemon juice, salt & pepper to your liking – either smooth or still a bit chunky. Add water and a bit more olive oil to get the consistency you want.